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ReNative CLI

ReNative CLI

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rnv - Print help

rnv --version - Print ReNative Version

rnv new

rnv new - creates new ReNative project

rnv start

rnv start -p <PLATFORM> - start server / bundler for specific platform. (no -p defaults to metro bundler)

rnv run

rnv run -p <PLATFORM> - runs app specific platform

rnv package

rnv package -p <PLATFORM> - package JS for specific platform

rnv build

rnv build -p <PLATFORM> - build / compile app for specific platform

rnv export

rnv export -p <PLATFORM> - export / archive app for specific platform

rnv deploy

rnv deploy -p <PLATFORM> - deploy app for specific platform

rnv status

rnv status - prints out info about your project

rnv clean

rnv clean - will delete all node-modules and package-lock.json files. you will be asked to confirm this action

rnv platform

Manipulates platforms

By default, ReNative controls platformTemplates for you. Advantage is that you don't need to maintain them and will get all the updates automatically. If however you need to customise them you can eject them directly into your project.

rnv platform eject - gives options which platforms to eject

your projects will be build using ./platformTemplates/[PLATFORM]/* from this point

If you want to revert back to using ReNative templates simply run

rnv platform connect - gives options which platforms to connect

your projects will be build using ./node_modules/rnv/platformTemplates/[PLATFORM]/* from this point

rnv plugin

Plugin Management

rnv plugin list - list all available / installed plugins

rnv plugin add - list all available plugins to be installed

rnv target

Emulator / Simulator / Device Management

rnv target launch -p <PLATFORM> - Start target (i.e. simulator/ emulator)

rnv tools

rnv tools fixPackage - fix + cleanup+ format your package.json

rnv fastlane

rnv fastlane <commands> - Run fastlane directly from rnv. Supports all fastlane commands. It installs fastlane automatically if it's not installed.

rnv config

rnv config list - will print out the current configurations, both global and per project

rnv config <key> - will print out the current values for that key, both global and per project

rnv config <key> <value> - will update the value for that key, project wise if -G or --global is not specified.

Project values take precedence over the global ones, basically you can have for example analytics disabled globally and enabled on one project

Current supported configs
KeyPossible ValuesDefault ValueDescription
analyticstrue / falsetrueEnabled by default, both globally and per project. Allows us to track RNV errors and metrics with Sentry in order to improve it
rnv publish

rnv publish [patch|minor|major] - Will help you bump the version, create a commit and a tag and push them. It uses release-it under the hood so you can configure it and pass whatever arguments that are supported by release-it. You can also run rnv publish without any arguments to enter interactive mode.


You can combine most of the above commands with following extra arguments you can combine together

-r , --reset

ReNative Allows you to perform reset commands if you facing unforeseen problems or migrating ReNative versions

rnv start -r - Reset Metro Bundler cache

rnv run -p <PLATFORM> -r - Reset specific platform of platformBuild project (fully recreate project based on provided template)

rnv configure -r - Reset all platforms of platformBuild project (fully recreate projects based on provided template)

-R , --resetHard

Does everything what -r + reset platformAssets


If you prefer having your logs clean (without color decorations). you can use --mono flag for anyrnv command. This is particularly useful for CI where logs are usually stripped from colors by CI logger and producing visual artefacts


rnv status --mono rnv start --mono

-c , -appConfigID

Allows you to immediately switch to specific app config

rnv run -p <PLATFORM> -c <APP_ID> - configure APP_ID and run PLATFORM

rnv build -p <PLATFORM> -c <APP_ID> - configure APP_ID and build PLATFORM

-d , --device

rnv run -p <PLATFORM> -d - Install/Run on connected device instead of simulator

-s , --scheme

You can pass down specific build scheme configured in ./appConfigs/APP_ID/renative.json

rnv run -p <PLATFORM> - runs app with default scheme (-s debug)

rnv run -p <PLATFORM> -s myScheme - runs app with myScheme build scheme

-i , --info

Log verbose output

rnv run -p <PLATFORM> -i

-t , --target

Allows you to specify known target name/id so CLI won't ask you to pick one

rnv run -p <PLATFORM> -t <TARGET_NAME>


Allows you to run some platforms directly in browser

rnv run -p <PLATFORM> --host


usually ReNative runs in cascading dependency mode. that means that if for example your run deploy command, rnv runs all necessary commands (configure, package, build, export) before running deploy command itself

sometimes you just want to run last command. --only ensures only top level command is executed

rnv deploy -p <PLATFORM> -s <BUILD_SCHEME> - run all dependant commands + deploy

rnv deploy -p <PLATFORM> -s <BUILD_SCHEME> --only - run deploy only

-g, --global

Used for rnv config to modify the config value globally, not just in the current project